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About Melanie and jana


When Melanie and I met,  the world was starting to get weirder and scary and way more isolating.  We started a conversation and a friendship that helped keep my sanity during the early days of the pandemic. It continues and has this amazing way of intertwining one another's art.  Our work is a bit different from each other, but seems to weirdly come from the exact same place, and ends up being a sort of  art-doll-equivalent of finishing each other's sentences. "I'm making a cradle that needs a doll!" "And 'm making a doll that needs a cradle!" 

Her chairs, dolls, cradle!, and a beautiful tiny steamer trunk filled with treasures are placed in my workshop for maximum inspirationability (it’s a word). We’re so excited to start this gallery of our combined stories and worlds and are so happy that you’ve joined us. 

You can see more of my work here.

I met jana on February 8th 2020. I came across her work online and it was love at first sight. More than that, I experienced an odd sense of relief like coming home. I took a chance and reached out to let her know. Thankfully jana was gracious and reciprocated. 

It was not long before I bought one of her creations and while I waited for the doll to arrive...I crafted  a wee chair. The chair and the doll sparked many conversations & collaborations, from which a friendship grew.

Although our styles might appear very different we are both on the same journey, healing our inner child through art/doll making. I'm honoured, inspired and grateful for our worlds to come together through our many exchanges and this little gallery.

To see more of my work come VISIT me

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